We are trying to provide you with everything you need to enjoy your stay in your new city. It is made by locals with the same intrests just for you !
Available in French & English !
- Create your trips
- Discover new cities and get all the information you need to visit or live in them
- Discover great Groups or associations
- Make your wishlists
- Find some Dares to spice up your life
- Find daily insights
For example :
- Create a trip to Barcelona with your friends, find the best places to visit/discover and get all the information you need to know about this city
- Create your profie to get to know people with the same intrests and mindset
- Make new Friends
- Express your mood
For example :
- Search for your next best friend who can play music with you and go climbing as well !
- Find events happening around you
- Register to these events
- Create your events
- Manage your events
- Find new Places
- Store your tickets for the events
For example :
- Create a beach volley / pick nick at the beach to enjoy the sun and get to know more people
- Register to an evening in a wine bar that someone suggested